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Haoyu (Peter) ZHENG 郑浩宇 鄭浩宇

Just call me Peter or “Rats” would be fine.

(Continously)Looking for highly-motivated startup founders! 积极寻找非常自我驱动的创业者,欢迎找我聊聊!

Contact in the source code of the page. 我的联系方式点击查看网页源代码即可找到。

My Keywords 我的关键词

Keywords for me I: Cyber Security Researcher 网络安全研究者

Publication seen below.

Keywords for me II: Life-time Learner on early round Venture Capital 早期风投的长期学习者

Keywords for me III: Startup founder in education 教育行业创业者

My Footprints 我的足迹

Venture Capital and Incubators 早期风投与孵化器

Now I am in TusStar (under TsingHua University).

I am very proud to join the 2022 Miracleplus (奇绩创坛) F22. We are looking for highly-motivated startup founders from all over the world. You do not have to present a BP. Feel free to contact me!(done on Aug. 2022)

I got quite great outcomes in my work:

I admire institutes like Sequoia Seed or Y Combinator a lot. Digging out a new startup with bright future and go along with it to witness its success. It would be an extra thrill if the startup is about some real tech stuff and it really means something to the rest of the world.

I am curious to become an analyst on VC or Angel Investments. Being an euthusiast on cutting-edge techs, I am always thrilled by researching the startups that has great potential developments. Although I have not had any hands-on experience on angel investments, I sincerely feel that this is a job that would bring me great sense of accomplishment and I will never get exhausted on it.

Investments in early rounds (Seed, Angle, Pre-A round) would be very different from the late round PE investment or dealings on stock markets. For early rounds, the startups are not having a mature commercial patterns. Usually what they have is a initial team of personnel, an idea or a prototype of their products. Thus for the investors, it is crucial to evaluate the company by its initial members team and the idea they raised up. It is like climbing the mountains in the night time, reaching the peak and catching the first shine of light in the dawn. That is the magic that attracted me to this field.

I am also interested in “making deals happen”, matching the high-potential startups with proper VCs. This is what we called “Financial Advisor” FA.

My Researches 我的科研领域

Research Fields: Intersection of AI and Cyber Security

This includes two directions:

8 years of studying and researching has built me priceless ability on fast learning, reading, and doing researches on a list of specific topics. Also, it feels really great to know some many great researchers, whether they are in Hong Kong, Guang Dong, Beijing or the UK, whether they are PhD students, postdocs, new faculties or respected senior professors.

In these years, I have also learnt knowledge in various fields in IT industry, including IoT, blockchain, VR techs. The more knowledge I absorbed, the hungerer I become on learning in new fields.

My publication

SECURITY ISSUES OF FEDERATED LEARNING IN REAL-LIFE APPLICATIONS (as first author) H. P. Zheng; S. Sthapit; G. Epiphaniou; C. Maple Published on IEEE CADE forum

More specifically, I have some knowledge in the following area:

I am also curious on the following topics:

My Startup in education 我在教育产业中的创业

Starting from Model United Nations

Model United Nations is a welcomed student excurriculum activity in Chinese Mainland. I am the founder of the largest nation-wide independent non-profit MUN conference and has been in this activity for 11 years. This eleven-year experience has taught me many things and form my ability of establishing and running a team. Now my team is holding an official endorsement to provide better and more diversed activities to the students across the giant China.

Although MUN seems irrelevant to my major research in Cyber Security, I still find it very worthy spending some time on it. It is a great chance to meet and communicate with the young interesting excellent students across the country. Making friends with them, exchanging ideas and opinion, as well as learning from each other, are very precious opportunitry for my personal development. I enjoyed making friends a lot.

My startup

My startup is an agency to facilitate students studying abroad. Having a small but very effecient team, we help the undergraduate students in many dimensions to apply for their ideal postgraduate abroad study universities. In the future, I am adding more services into the agency and make it a comprehensive education agency on excurricular activities for students of different ages.

The experience in MUN and my startup has given me much understanding on evaluating a startup by its members. Furthermore, I got to learn some ABCs about company running, shares and finance.

Alumini of RDFZhk (The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China – HK alumni association 人大附中香港校友会)

Being the secretary gerenal of the HK alumni association, it is a proud for me to know so many brilliant alumni, whose ages differ from thirties or fourties(some even brought their children when we organized some gathering activities) to new freshmen who just graduated from RDFZ and came to HK for undergraduate study. The senior alumins are really helpful, and communicating with them has broadened my vision a lot and taught me some great lessons on life and work.

Thank you for reading my self-introduction. I am always willing to make new friends with great people. Feel free to reach me by the contacts in the source code of this page.

Haoyu Peter ZHENG

updated 2022.09

Miscellaneous things(or in my word, fun facts) about me

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